This brochure aims to give information about the preparation and implementation of rural youth festivals by international and local volunteers. The purpose is to share the excellent praxis examine for other organizations or communities who would like to develop the young initiatives and social involvement of young people in the rural area.
The brochure gives models and ideas for outdoor and indoor activities.
This good praxis example is from the perspective of international volunteers having the first experience of organizing such size of an event in a rural area, helped by local volunteers. The different teams, such as logistics, promotion, budget, and host, underlines tips & tricks to implement before and during the events.
Good practices: Rural Youth Europe learning platform
Rural Youth Europe (RYEurope) is a European Non-Governmental Organisation for rural youth. Established in 1957, it is an umbrella for youth organisations promoting and activating young people in the countryside.
It provides international training possibilities and works as an intermediary between national organisations, youth organisations, and public institutions on a European level.
Its platform gathers non-formal training material: games for getting to know each other, energisers, tips for a conscious and exciting use of social media, workshops for community activities, and event evaluation.
Good practices: Dialogue activities to implement the Youth Goals together
The toolbox offers support on how one can realize a dialogue activity about the Youth Goals in 3 steps: