Topic 4 Content Creation

Content creation means to give life to your story! 

First of all, you decide which story (or part of it) you want to tell and then choose the right format.
You now need to understand which elements and resources you need in order to create the content.

Now the production can start, which will be followed by the editing process. When the content is ready and approved by all storytellers, it can be uploaded on the platforms/media and disseminated to the audience. 

It seems very complex, but it’s not!

Write your Creative Story

Erasmus+ project and

Toolkit for Youth Workers

Toolkit Digital Storytelling

Which story?: opening of a new cultural center in the village
Format: instagram story (video series)
Resources needed: phone for shooting, people for filming
Production day: 23 Jan (14-15)
Editing day: 24 Jan [do we need materials? Add logos/links? >> prepare this in advance!]
Publishing day: publish at 12.30 on Tuesday [on the basis of target specific habits]

Which story? Topic Objective of the narration
Audio / Video / Text / Comic
Technical equipment / tools
Resources needed
Production day
Date and hour
Person responsible
Editing day
Date and hour
Person responsible
Publishing date
Date and hour
Person responsible