There are two kind of platforms we need to take into consideration when approaching digital storytelling:
+Platforms for creation of contents
Which are the right platforms for our story? Which tool/expertise do we need? Are there open source tools we can use to create the content of our story?
+Platforms for diffusion of the story
Which is the right media for our story? On which social platform do we find our public the most? Are we interested in social platforms or also in web platforms (such as website, blog, etc.)
Once we have decided which are the platforms we need to tell our digital story on, we will need to set the digital profiles. In order to create social channels that are coherent with our story and identity, we need to have defined the right tone of voice once we have reflected on the story design. From this tone of voice, we are going to set the digital identity of the speaker that will spread our story to the audience.